Source code for formats.fast5

toolbox for handling fast5 (hdf5) files.

Fast5 files are generated by OxfordNanopore
Sequencing devices. This class is designed to
read formats up to SQK-MAP006. Compatibility
with  more recent formats is not guaranteed.

import h5py
import re

class Fast5Exception(Exception):

class Fast5PathException(Fast5Exception):

def identify_events_path(fast5):
    Newer versions of the a fast5 file have a different path to the event table.
    Identify which type of fast5 file we have and return the path accordingly.

        fast5: h5py File object

        corresponding index of the fast5 file

        _ = fast5["/Analyses/Basecall_1D_000/BaseCalled_template"]
        return "/Analyses/Basecall_1D_000/BaseCalled_{0}"
    except KeyError:
            _ = fast5["/Analyses/Basecall_2D_000/BaseCalled_template"]
            return "/Analyses/Basecall_2D_000/BaseCalled_{0}"
        except KeyError:
            raise Fast5PathException("Unknown version of fast5 format")

[docs]class Fast5File(object): def __init__(self, path): result ='ch(\d+)_file(\d+)_', path) self.file_id = int( self.channel_id = int( self.seqs = { "template": None, "complement": None } try: self.f5 = h5py.File(path, 'r') self.event_path = identify_events_path(self.f5) except OSError: raise Fast5Exception("Unable to open fast5-file.")
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Returns: unique identifier for f5 file. """ return "ch_{0}_file_{1}".format(self.channel_id, self.file_id)
[docs] def get_attrs(self, strand): """ Get Attributes for template/complement strand Args: strand: either "template" or "complement" Returns: dict: {shift: foo, drift: foo, scale: foo} or None if strand not in File """ assert strand in ["template", "complement"] attrs = ["shift", "scale", "drift"] try: all_attrs = self.f5[self.event_path.format(strand) + "/Model"].attrs return {k: all_attrs[k] for k in attrs} except (KeyError, ValueError): return None
[docs] def get_events(self, strand): """ Get events for template/complement strand Args: strand: either "template" or "complement" Returns: generator yielding one event-dict at a time or None if strand not in File """ assert strand in ["template", "complement"] try: events = self.f5[self.event_path.format(strand) + "/Events"] for raw_ev in events: ev = {} ev["mean"] = raw_ev[0] ev["start"] = float(raw_ev[1]) ev["stdv"] = raw_ev[2] ev["length"] = float(raw_ev[3]) ev["kmer"] = bytes(raw_ev[4]).decode('utf-8') ev["move"] = int(raw_ev[6]) yield ev except KeyError: pass
[docs] def get_corrected_events(self, strand): """ Get events for template/complement strand and apply the shift/scale/drift corrections. Unfortunately, these corrections are not documented exactly anywhere. Some information is on Args: strand: either "template" or "complement" Returns: generator yielding one event-dict at a time or None if strand not in File """ assert strand in ["template", "complement"] attrs = self.get_attrs(strand) if attrs is None: raise Fast5Exception("events cannot be shift/scale/drift corrected.") # apparently, drift is applied relatively to the start of the read. read_start = next(self.get_events(strand))["start"] shift = lambda mean: mean - attrs["shift"] scale = lambda mean: mean / attrs["scale"] drift = lambda mean, start: mean - (start - read_start) * attrs["drift"] for ev in self.get_events(strand): ev["mean"] = drift(scale(shift(ev["mean"])), ev["start"]) yield ev
[docs] def get_seq(self, strand): """ get the nt-sequence, based on the kmers and 'move'. Evaluation is done in a lazy fashion. If the function was called once, the sequence can be accessed in constant time. Args: strand (str): either template or complement Returns: (str) nucleotide sequence """ assert strand in ["template", "complement"] if self.seqs[strand] is None: self.seqs[strand] = self.events2seq(self.get_events(strand)) return self.seqs[strand]
[docs] def events2seq(events): """turn events into a nt sequence based on the 'move' column Args: events: list of events (dictionaries) """ seq = list() seq.append(next(events)["kmer"]) for ev in events: move = ev["move"] kmer = ev["kmer"] seq.append(kmer[len(kmer)-move:]) return "".join(seq)